Technology Convergence

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Technology Convergence is the fusion in communications for separate technologies such as voice, data, video, security, HVAC etc. allowing them to share a single advanced communication network. This network transforms the way systems are designed, built, operated and experienced. Efficiency is improved while reducing costs and lowering the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).

Technology convergence also provides technology systems to evolve towards performing similar tasks. We harness this evolution to deliver communications, processes, and applications over the same wired, wireless, or fiber-optic connections.

Now you have an architecture merging existing technologies into new forms that bring together different types of requirements and applications. Gone are the days of the network handling one application or accomplishing some basic tasks; through technology convergence, systems and devices can interact with an array of benefits.

Technology convergence also means you can do more with less. Your business can acquire capabilities or perform new services that were prohibitive. Growth and change become more manageable by leveraging the additive power of technologies that work together and not in silos.



Services Available on IP Networks

Our Advanced Communication Network (ACN) is a communication fabric that allows disparate systems to communicate over this one network.